Hosted Python Getting Started app on Heroku. Explored Django and Postgres. Started creating a blog with Docusaurus. Created a colour palette and some icons.
I promoted the Python-Getting-Started app from local, through review, staging and to production. Following the tutorial, I also added a Postgres database to each of the apps.
I had some problems getting heroku local web to point to local Postgres (see Postgres below) - or validating that it is. I don’t know if this is a problem or not. The main impact so far is that in the tutorial, I set up a logging service that writes a greeting log to the database. The log is accessed from the url site/db. It works as intended in production, but throws an error locally because the table doesn’t exist.
The front end framework for the python-getting-started app is Django. The only problem so far was that I couldn’t get the static files (e.g. python logo) to render when running locally. It seems I might need to be running something extra locally to serve static files in Django.
Installed Postgres locally. All seemed to be fine. Ran the command
$ createdb python_getting_started
locally and can see the db, but not sure if it’s actually used when running
$ herko local web
from Python-getting-started - the logging db url doesn't work. Need to do more research.
Look and feel​
Downloaded Vectornator for iPhone and drew a thread logo. Exported this as an .svg file and created a set of .ico assets using an online converter. Used Adobe online colour wheel tool to generate a set of complimentary and contrasting colours. Tested these in light and dark modes using Keynote. Created a set of simple chart templates in Keynote. Exported these to PDF and converted to SVG online.
Started tweaking the markdown and static files to change images, look and feel etc. Added a blog and transferred content created in iA Writer to the the site.
Completed week 2.
Thinking of three parts:
- Data projects in Python hosted on Heroku at
- Docs and commentary in Docusauraus hosted on Netifly at
- Random miscellaneous projects in Next.js on Threads Central hosted on Netlify at