Hosted Docusaurus site on Netlify. Set up a database to capture page view reports on Heroku. Used IBM Watson Studio to convert speech to text and translate between languages.
Docusaurus on Netlifyโ
I hosted the Docusaurus site on Netlify and used Cloudflare to configure DNS settings for a new subdomain. The site is available at
I used the 'Import Existing Project' option in Netlify to connect to the GitHub repo. The build failed first time due to a broken link. The log showed exactly where the broken link was, so it was easy to locate and fix. Now the tests run in GitHub when I create a new pull request, the tests run in GitHub which is handy.
Python Getting Started Appโ
I made some changes to the look and feel of Python Getting Started app hosted on Heroku at I also added the papertrail logging add-on and created the required tables using migrate. The app now includes a simple Page View Report with data stored in the Postgres database.
Python courseโ
I completed week 3 & 4 of the IBM Python Course. The exercises included setting up an account with IBM Cloud and using IBM Watson Studio to convert speech to text and translate between languages.